"I would panic when smiling until I went to Dr. Implant."
Basically, I had like an infection in my mouth. And I felt the pain and I felt uncomfortable. I had a prosthesis that really had problems and my mouth deteriorated. And, well, I felt a little… like I was uncomfortable smiling, I was stage scared.
I had a prosthesis that really had problems and my mouth deteriorated

Dr. Jose Alberto:
Jusín really is relatively young, isn’t he? And he lost his teeth not because of poor hygiene, not because of cavities, but because of periodontal disease, which is something hereditary. Then, Jusín came to our office using removable partials, and that was already affecting his life quality.
One, when you come with a problem in your mouth… first I spoke to many in Venezuela, I spoke to doctors. And well, I was told there wasn’t that breakthrough like there is here. See? When I got here, I started digging, I started digging, but people were telling me that that was painful. That doing that job was going to hurt me, it was going to… so it wasn’t going to be the same as a prosthesis that sticks to you. And in the end, well, I checked and I said, well, I take the risk and I did it.
Dr. Jose Alberto:
In his first consultation we did the sit scan, where we saw the bone well, the depth of the bone, and we planned his case. And in 24 hours we were able to restore Jusín’s function and aesthetics. Which you actually see in the before-and-after photos, and as you can see, we took away at least 5 or 10 years.
Me too, I had that doubt that it should be in 24 hours. Well, I don’t think so. I don’t believe it at all… I haven’t seen him anywhere. But when I got here, it was true. In 24 hours. You’re like new. As they say in my country, you look agency-like. I felt comfortable, I felt good, they treated me very well. I felt at home, and… his staff, his secretary, everyone who works here treated me very well.
My boss and my friends noticed me differently because I was talking… because right now because of the pandemic, I was covering my mouth. They said, Look, Josi, you have changed 100%. So, you’re not you. You’re not you. And I feel super happy already.

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